Friday, June 15, 2007

Trading Holiness For The World's Favor

Quoting William Gurnall . . .

When we lose man's love we gain God's blessing. "Blessed are you, when men say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my name sake" (Matthew 5:11). God's providence is a perfect roof over our heads to defend us from the storm of man's rage. But it is a different story when a saint is caught in sin and gives the ungodly opportunity to speak evil of him. Man reviles and God frowns. His Word does not open its shelter then to hide you from the assault of reviling tongues. But when the wicked hate you for your holiness, God is bound by promise to pay you love for their hatred and blessing for their cursing. Can we ever complain about man's disrespect when obedience and holiness advance us to a higher place in the King's favor? When we lose the world's love we gain its reverence and honor.

The people who will not love you because you are holy cannot help but respect and fear you for that same reason. But every time you give up a little holiness to gain false love from sinners, you forfeit the reverence which their consciences secretly paid to your life. Like Samson, a Christian walking in the power of holiness, is greatly feared by the wicked; but if sin exposes an impotent spirit, he is captured and falls under the lash of their tongues and the scorn of their hearts.

Poverty and a low class in society cannot make you contemptible as long as you keep on the breastplate of righteousness. Majesty can reign in a holy heart even when it is dressed in rags. For instance, the righteousness of David commanded reverence from Saul, and the king paid homage to his exiled subject: "He wept, and said to David, Thou art more righteous than I" (Samuel 24:16,17). And this is as it should be - carnal men must admit that they are overpowered by the holy lives of saints. And this shall happen as you behave in that distinctive and singular manner called for by God, doing things that even the best of our unbelieving neighbors cannot do.


The Christian in Complete Armour, (year 1665)

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