Saturday, May 26, 2007

Reviews of Hitchens...and the Reviews of Hitchens

From Melinda @

John Mark Reynolds responses to Hitchens book are well worth the time. We recently enjoyed an evening together with others discussing the book, and it was throughly challenging and fun. Reynolds should debate Hitchens soon. I'd pay money for that debate. Here's his one-phrase review: "an assertion linked to a sneer."

And Robert Miller's review of the review of Hitchens book is to the point and hilarious in its honesty. It reflects the tedium and impatience many experts in the field feel when amateurs like Hitchens make bold proclamations about which they haven't bothered to understand. It doesn't take a pro to make a good argument, but anyone publishing a book would, you think, at least cover himself by acquainting himself with the scholarship that has long existed and attempt to avoid the fundamental mistakes already debunked. (HT: Between Two Worlds)

Here are a couple more from L.A. Times and Christianity Today.

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