Wednesday, July 01, 2009

The Justification Debate

Trevin Wax has compiled a helpful piece for Christianity Today in which he sets in parallel the contrasting views of John Piper and N. T. Wright on the topic of justification. There is an HTML version that you can read, or you can download a PDF of the article as it appeared on the pages of Christianity Today.

Following their recent books interacting with each other’s ideas, John Piper and Tom Wright represent the two sides of the discussion. Here are the books in question …

John Piper, The Future of Justification purchase from Amazon UK purchase from Amazon US

Tom Wright, Justification: God’s Plan and Paul’s Vision purchase from Amazon UK purchase from Amazon US

See also Tom Wright, What Saint Paul Really Said, especially chapter 7 purchase from Amazon UK purchase from Amazon US

Tim Chester wrote an article ‘Justification, Ecclesiology and the New Perspective’ which was published in Themelios and which is available online here.

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