Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Forgotten Canadian 110,000-Abortion in Canada

Yesterday's Globe and Mail carried a story that was headlined "Teen pregnancies drop to new low, abortions continue decline." It reports on the latest statistical data here in Canada that tells of fewer unwanted pregnancies among teens, not because they are having less sex but because of greater contraceptive use. The same article reports that 33,000 young women under the age of 19 still get pregnant each year and of those 18,000 opt for abortion. In Canada as a whole, there are about 330,000 live births each year and about 110,000 abortions. I could not help but notice that this article is tucked away in the Life Section of the paper right next to the weather forecast and the horoscopes. Although I am sure the paper would say that it is appropriately part of the Health component of the Life Section, there is something foreboding about such a statistic in such a location. It shows that the deaths of 110,000 children by the deliberate actions of their parents and the medical establishment of the country has become routine, hardly worth noting compared to the trial of Conrad Black, or the latest news from the NHL playoffs. Alas, this world is a wicked place and Canada will be called to account for its calloused disregard of human life by the Creator himself.

When 30 or so people died in the Virginia Tech slaughter there was an understandable public outcry. Many are concerned about violence around the world and military conflicts in many places. But we must not forget the slaughter that is going on right in our own country and is condoned by educated sinners who know better. Christians must continue to proclaim the gospel and to call men and women everywhere to repentance. There is a better way to live. Human sexuality can be brought under the gracious Lordship of Christ. We are not merely the highest form of evolutionary development or the victors who sit atop the food chain. We are made in the image of God and we will never be complete until we bow to his authority and worship him alone. May God have mercy upon this generation. May he surprise us by a glorious display of his saving power.

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