Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Joy of Christmas

Ligonier Ministries is offering free downloads of several Christmas messages from R. C. Sproul. From
This Christmas season, it is our hope that you will take the time to reflect on the gift of Jesus Christ as our perfect Mediator. The Word became flesh and won for us the crown of redemption, the foundation for the joy of Christmas. Please enjoy this free downloadable series and Tabletalk article as our gift to you.
Read Dr. Sproul's article Born of the Virgin Mary.

Christmas Messages by Dr. R.C. Sproul
1. The First Gifts of Christmas (Part 1) 23:47
2. The First Gifts of Christmas (Part 2) 22:54
3. How Should We Think Because of Christmas (Part 1) 22:04
4. How Should We Think Because of Christmas (Part 2) 17:11

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