The need for this work is summed up well in the
introduction by
Alan Hisrsh:
He sees a disturbing trend where "the term missional is now being
appropriated at a massive rate. But so very often this is being done without
the foggiest idea of what it actually means and the impact that it should have
on our thinking and practices" (p.11). "When everything becomes
missional, then nothing becomes missional. This book speaks directly into that
situation" (p.12).
Frost sees his task as "an attempt to reclaim the word
'missional' from the grips of conventional churches bent on finding a new
buzzword to meet the annual fixation for something new and 'relevant'".
He spends a great deal of time describing what a
missional Church is and his not. A missional church then, is a church that realises this Missio Dei and has a
"wholesale and thorough reorientation of the church around mission"
(p16). “Mission is both the announcement and the demonstration of the reign of
God through Christ. "It is our automatic response to God's reign and rule, proven through Christ, revealed through the Spirit. Therefore,
any collective of believers set free from the disorder of this present age, who
offer themselves in service of the mission of their God to alert people to the
new unfolding order of things, can rightly be called a missional church."
To contrast, he makes it clear that mission is not primarily concerned with church
growth. It is primarily concerned with the reign and rule of the
Triune God. If the church grows as a result, so be it.” (p24). It "is not
about evangelism, It is not about sending, but being sent. Missional is like
slow cooking, where disciples incarnate deeply within the communities they are
in or called to be in. No quick fix. No rush to pile up numbers of conversions.
No snappy 'four spiritual laws.' " (46).
Since he recognizes that God reigns and rules through Christ,
whatever you do that alerts people to the fact of the rule of God, is
missional. The strength and problem with many of these contrasts is that there
is a lot of room for action. While he affirms this action by both ‘announcement
and demonstration’ (p35) almost all the focus and the examples are on
‘demonstration’. It would be best to look elsewhere for much of the "announcement" or content of the
message. Although Frost
quotes quite extensively from various missional authors, his treatment of the
Scriptural message of the "announcement" is infrequent. You need to
go though twenty-five pages before the first text is cited. Interesting Biblical treatment such as "The Cross as
Metaphor/Paradigm" (p. 90ff) are few and far between. Taking concepts like
the incarnation by quoting The Message
that "The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighbourhood"
(Jn. 1:14) is so offensive, that his argument for moving into the neighbourhood
(proximity) (p. 123) is undermined.
The missional approach often seems to be living
out a "lordship" of Christ's
self-sacrificial life, but it is often not
careful in what it advocates. One, for example sees a renewal of
"monastic practices-confession, repentance, Bible reading, prayer..."
(p.79). Calling these spiritual disciplines "monastic" contradicts a missional connection with the
community. Likewise, the trend to define one's self on what you don't do (don't
drink/smoke/gamble/hang out with people who do) sounds more like old school
"fundamentalism" than "pietism".
Yet, I would agree with Frost that this kind of spirituality "outsources
the need to do the daily work of keeping in step with the Spirit of the
God" (p.85). Again a good point is made with a poor choice of terms:
"Church people worry that the
world might change the church, Kingdom people work to see the church change the
world" (p.103). Perhaps using a term like "religious" would have
been preferable for Christ came to establish a
"church", or called out people for Himself to be agents of His
There seems to be a very "grass roots" feeling to the work
of mission. Things like structure, leadership, doctrinal standards and
accountably are woefully lacking.
Seeing congregations "led by humble men and women" (p.79) perhaps
even hints at the author's desire for "egalitarian" leadership.
I found myself laughing in chapter four on
"triumphant Humiliation" in the description of false persecution that some feel: "Maybe when your neighbor
ignores you, it's not because he hates the light of the Lord that shins from
you. Maybe he just thinks you're a jerk. Maybe we get most of the rejection we
do because, well, we deserve it" (p.83). This is a much needed wake up
call for contemporary Christianity.
Frost missed a great opportunity
to take his Christocentric Kingdom
model in dealing with the topic of peace
in chapter five. His treatment of reconciliation, justice and beauty only finds
meaning through the cross. Understanding how the work of Christ
enables reconciliation, justice and beauty truly informs these concepts. His treatment
on "beauty" is so weak, that it is essentially without meaning. Yet,
he did give biblical elements of reconciliation and justice. The contemporary
facts for these things provides a useful link of doctrine and need.
Frost' conclusion wisely sums up his point.
The main point in "The Road to Missional" is simply this: "becoming
missional is not about making congregations more appealing for a new
generation; rather, becoming missional is about equipping and releasing people
to be the church in their neighborhoods, regardless of what style of worship
they prefer of the size of the congregation. Becoming missional is all about
tapping into the missio Dei in order to be a foretaste of the reign of God in Christ.
This is rooted in the cross and God's shalom. And do, becoming missional is not
simply a matter of language or programming ' it is a never ending process and a
'calls it followers to the disciplines of sacrifice, service, love, and grace;
and a mission that delights in beauty, flavor, joy, and friendship" (146).
Yet, it does no good to try to do the
"mission" of Christ and not proclaim His words while
doing do. Our message may counteract our methods. This work is helpful in
suggesting ways to live out the message of Christ. Yet, I fear
we may quickly forget and get side-tracked if we do not continue to learn about
the person and words of Christ in order to check our actions
to His mission.
Rating: 2.5 stars of 5.
Product Details
Paperback: 160 pages
- Publisher: Baker
Books (Oct 1 2011)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0801014077
- ISBN-13:
- Product Dimensions: 22.6
x 15.2 x 1.3 cm
- Shipping Weight: 227
"Book has been provided courtesy
of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
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