Friday, November 30, 2012

Is God A Tyrant For Demanding Our Worship?

Who is God to require worship? Brett Kunkle brings perspective on this common objection to theism.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

When being spiritual is dangerous

We live in a day when people would say that being spiritual in and of itself is good. But that's not what the Bible teaches. Supernatural power is not necessarily indicative of the presence of the God of the Bible. Satan and demons can empower people to do horrible things, but in the end the sovereignty and providence of God that rule over all.

This clip is excerpted from the sermon "Jesus Is a Better Mordecai," part 11 and the final installment in the series Esther: God's Perfect Work through Imperfect People. It was preached by Pastor Mark Driscoll out of Esther 9:20--10:3 at Mars Hill Downtown Bellevue and released on November 25.

Watch the full sermon here:
Check out the full Esther sermon series here:

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Doesn't Jesus say that it's wrong to judge others? (Matthew 7:1)-John MacArthur">
href=""> Doesn't Jesus say that it's wrong to judge others? (Matthew 7:1)-John MacArthur from christianitydotcom2">christianitydotcom2
> on GodTube.">GodTube.>

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012

How culture changes

Sometimes God's people need to stand up for just laws and they need to vote out of biblical conviction, says Pastor Mark, but he wants us to be wise and to look at things from a more powerful, biblical, gospel perspective. He talks about sociologist James Davison Hunter's theory on how cultural change is effected, not by majorities, but by powerful minorities, that is, people who shape culture depending upon where they're positioned within it, people who tend to be at the cultural headwaters and can influence the culture that flows downstream.

This clip is excerpted from the sermon "Jesus Is a Better Missionary," part 9 of the sermon series Esther: God's Perfect Work through Imperfect People. It was preached by Pastor Mark Driscoll out of Esther 8:1--17 at Mars Hill Downtown Bellevue and released online on November 11.

Watch the full sermon here:
Davison's book that Pastor Mark mentions in this clip, To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World, is available on Amazon:

Thursday, November 15, 2012

What authority do you have? Use it humbly.

What makes Mordecai and Esther great leaders is that they accept their positions of authority that God, in his favor and grace, gave them. What authority do you have? Here's what God wants you to do: humbly accept it, because it's not about you or your fear of failure, but about people and an opportunity to help them. Sometimes the people who feel the least qualified for leadership are the most qualified because they have the first prerequisite, which is humility.

This clip is excerpted from the sermon "Jesus Is a Better Missionary," part 9 of the sermon series Esther: God's Perfect Work through Imperfect People. It was preached by Pastor Mark Driscoll out of Esther 8:1--17 at Mars Hill Downtown Bellevue and released online on November 11.

Watch the full sermon here:

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Greg Koukl - Why Are the Gospels Important?

Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason answers the question, "Why are the Gospels so important?". For more information, visit

Friday, November 02, 2012

Against the World - Evolution: The Foot in Mouth

Join host Jerry Johnson as he discusses some quotes from famous evolutionists that they now want to take back, during this week's edition of Against the World.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Abortion and the Campaign for Immorality (Selected Scriptures) John MacArthur

What a privilege and joy it is to worship the Lord here at Grace Church. Patricia and I miss it when we're not here. There's no place like this. Our hearts are full to overflowing to be back with you and celebrating the greatness of our God and the glory of Christ with you. What a blessing.

While we were gone the last couple of weeks, we were exposed to the two conventions that were held: the Republican National Convention and the Democratic National Convention. And I know that politics is the topic among many people today, and I suppose that's natural since it is such a huge part of media exposure. And as you know, I'm not one to talk about politics as such, but I was essentially amazed that one of the historic parties here in the United States adopted the sins of Romans 1 as their platform. This is a new day in our country. Parties which used to differ on economics now differ dramatically on issues that invade the realm of God's law and morality.

In an ideal situation, their platform would mean that the government passes out condoms so people can fornicate at will. For those who happen to get pregnant in the process, platform advocates that you kill the baby at the will of the mother, up and including the ninth month.

At the same time, it advocates a homosexual marriage, which is an oxymoron, an utter impossibility, and a gross violation of the law of God. And then to add to that, the murder of abortion, and then a platform originally leaving God out. All of that's Romans 1. Romans 1 says God will judge, God has judged throughout human history, nations that experience sexual freedom. Romans chapter 1 lays that out clearly: the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against those who advocate sexual freedom, sexual conduct outside of marriage. And that's an indication of the demise of a nation....