Friday, January 31, 2014

The Truth Project - What is Truth?

What is Truth? Who is God? Who is Man? What is a worldview? Do you really believe that what you believe is really real?

Only 9 percent of professing Christians have a biblical worldview, and because of this, today's believers live very similarly to non-believers. A personal sense of significance is rarely experienced, we spend our money and time on things that fail to satisfy and we begin to wonder what life's ultimate purpose really is. We are, in short, losing our bearings as a people and a nation.

The Truth Project is an innovative DVD curriculum that teaches viewers how to develop a systematic and comprehensive biblical worldview. Educator Dr. Del Tackett is both engaging and winsome as he teaches Christians to apply biblical truths to every area of life. As it has been throughout history, God continues to call ordinary people to make an eternal difference in our world.

Visit The Truth Project Website:

Produced by ColdWater Media:

Thursday, January 30, 2014

What is Truth? Interview with Os Guinness

university events • life's hardest questions • relevance of Jesus Christ

Short interview with Os Guinness before the forum at UCLA in 2010. Join a globally recognized Christian leader in a discussion on several questions of great importance. To see the recording of the Forum, please visit our website at

Over the past two decades, The Veritas Forum has been hosting vibrant discussions on life's hardest questions and engaging the world's leading colleges and universities with Christian perspectives and the relevance of Jesus. Learn more at, with upcoming events and over 600 pieces of media on topics including science, philosophy, music, business, medicine, and more!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What is Truth? Ravi Zacharias, Os Guiness, RC Sproul

Excerpt from the Focus on the Family series "The Truth Project", Ravi Zacharias, Os Guiness and RC Spoul answer the question "What is Truth?"

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"Is There Absolute Truth?" by Living Waters

Mark Spence, from Living Waters, teaches on the subject of "What is Truth?"
Download the Entire Episode here: 

This segment is taken from The Way of the Master TV show, Episode: Zurich

"What is Truth?"
It's difficult to think of a more important topic than the nature of truth. Truth is that which agrees with reality.  

Society no longer cares about truth.  It doesn't matter what one regards as "truth", just as long as they are sincere.  Truth is subjective, society says, and it's up to each individual to decide for themselves what is right and wrong.  On the contrary, we need to remember that anything other than the truth needs to be rejected.

When an individual "suppresses the truth in unrighteousness" and comes to the false conclusion "that there is no truth" or "that there are many truths" they will inevitably reject the concept of absolute morals. What "seems" right to one individual may "seem" wrong to the next.  

According to this logic, to one person child pornography is acceptable, but to another it's a serious offense. So who's right? 

This is why Jesus said, "Sanctify them by the truth.  Your Word is truth.  The Bible alone is the standard for 'absolute' or 'objective' truth.

The main reason why people reject God's Word as truth is because they do not want anyone telling them how to live their life.  Our culture shuns authority and looks down upon biblical values. Many think that if you reject the Bible, you can live however you want. They say, "You can follow the Bible if you think it's right for you, but since I don't think it's right for me, I won't."

That view is held by many, but when taken to its logical conclusion it proves disastrous.

For example, what if I feel that it's "right for me" to ignore traffic lights?  Can it really be right in any sense of the word? Of course not. If something is true because someone thinks it is true, then all sincere statements ever uttered would be true-- even those that weren't correct! 
If morals are decided by the individual, why not live that way? Why not rob a bank to feed your family or steal a car to get to work on time? Why not base all your decisions on whether or not YOU think something is right or wrong? That would be ridiculous.

Jesus said He came into the world to testify to the truth. Don't be wrong when it comes to the truth that Jesus is the only Way to the Father. There is no other name under Heaven, given among men, by which man must be saved." And that's the truth.

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Monday, January 27, 2014

What Is Truth?

Norman Geisler explains how one can know what truth is.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Truth, Reality, God: How do we know? Two professors discuss - Is there such a thing as universal truth? If so, how can we know this truth? In a pluralistic world, how do we deal with competing truth claims? Is relativism the only way? Join us as Satyan Devadoss of Williams College and Deen Chatterjee of the University of Utah discuss these and many other questions.

Full library available AD FREE at

Over the past two decades, The Veritas Forum has been hosting vibrant discussions on life's hardest questions and engaging the world's leading colleges and universities with Christian perspectives and the relevance of Jesus. Learn more at, with upcoming events and over 600 pieces of media on topics including science, philosophy, music, business, medicine, and more!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Inevitable Consequence of An Atheistic Worldview

J. Warner Wallace, author of Cold-Case Christianity, reads an honest (if not politically correct) comment from an atheist describing the consequence of a consistent atheistic worldview. this video was created by a listener from J. Warner's weekly Cold-Case Christianity podcast (for more information on the podcast, visit

Friday, January 17, 2014

Is Experience a Valid Test of Truth? (Selected Scriptures) John MacArthur

As you know, over the last number of weeks, we have been sort of anticipating the coming of our Strange Fire Conference which will be held here at Grace Church on October 16 through 18th. This is the second in what we're calling Truth Matters Conferences, and this one addresses the issue of the Charismatic Movement which has had a greater negative impact on the church over the last 25 years than probably any other Movement at all. It has created all kinds of chaos. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

What is the Best Evidence that God Created the Universe?

In 2011 Dr William Lane Craig spoke at the Forum of Christian Leaders (FOCL) in Hungary. While they he spoke on the topic, "Five Arguments for Theism" along with several other lectures. Dr Craig was also interviewed and asked a series of questions. In this clip, Dr Craig answers the question, "What is the best physical evidence that God created the universe?"

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Morgan Freeman on the Origin of Life

Episode #64

The Comfort Zone is a half-hour, weekday program where we answer your questions! Jam-packed with biblical insight, real-world answers, and a lot of fun, this program will stir you up to reach out to the lost! 

Hosted by: Ray Comfort, Emeal ("E.Z.") Zwayne, and Mark Spence. Joined by special Skype guest Eric Hovind of Creation Today (

Each episodes revolves around evangelism, apologetics, witnessing, and theology.

You can watch The Comfort Zone LIVE @ 2:30|1:30c on

Monday, January 13, 2014

What Are Examples Of Moral Relativism In Our Culture?

Steven Garofalo describes how do moral absolutes and cultural relativism collide.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Everyone Wants to Be Happy

Joy is not optional. It's essential.

God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him — exists to help people everywhere understand and embrace this truth. We aim to make the glory of God and the goodness of joy the foundation and flavor of everything we do.

John Piper is founder and teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. For over 30 years, he served as senior pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota...

Continue reading here:

Thursday, January 09, 2014

What Happens After We Die? Pt. 2 of 2 (John MacArthur)

"What happens after we die?...what happens to Christians who die?" I'm often asked that even by Christians, in fact usually by Christians. Questions like...after we die, do we go directly to heaven? Or, what happens to our bodies? The details of those kinds of questions are very very important to us and they can be troubling if we don't know the answer. We want to know what happens after we die and we would like to know what happens to the bodies of those we love when they go into the grave. Those are pressing issues...

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

What Happens After We Die? Pt. 1 of 2 (John MacArthur)

"What happens after we die?...what happens to Christians who die?" I'm often asked that even by Christians, in fact usually by Christians. Questions like...after we die, do we go directly to heaven? Or, what happens to our bodies? The details of those kinds of questions are very very important to us and they can be troubling if we don't know the answer. We want to know what happens after we die and we would like to know what happens to the bodies of those we love when they go into the grave. Those are pressing issues...

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

How to Contend for the Faith (Jude 3)

Jude initially made every effort to write regarding the common salvation he shared with his readers. Effort (spoude) connotes hastening or speed, and could mean Jude hurried in vain to write, or that he tried hard but could not complete what he originally planned to say. Whatever the case, the presence of false teaching restrained him, impressing him with the urgent need to call the church to battle. His initial notion was to speak positively of the shared blessings of salvation. But that very salvation was under assault by apostates, hence his change of subjects.

Like Paul, who wrote to the Corinthians, "For necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel" (1 Cor. 9:16, nkjv), Jude felt the necessity—a heavy burden or mandate—to write. Agcho, the root of the noun rendered necessity, means literally "compress." Jude recognized that he was a watchman for the truth (cf. Ezek. 3:16--21) who could not simply watch in silence as his readers slipped into error. His fervent passion for sound doctrine, especially regarding the gospel, made even the thought of false teaching a heavy burden on his heart (cf. 2 Cor. 11:28). And he and his readers would not be able to share a common salvation if they lost the gospel.

Jude also had a deep love for his readers—meaning that he was dedicated to their spiritual well-being. Accordingly his tone conveyed a genuine care similar to that of Paul, who wrote to the Ephesian elders: "Therefore be on the alert, remembering that night and day for a period of three years I did not cease to admonish each one with tears" (Acts 20:31; cf. Col. 1:29)...

Monday, January 06, 2014

Who Is God?

Bobby answers the question, "Who is God?"