Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Large families 'bad' for environment

by Chapman @ http://www.worldmagblog.com

In the United Kingdom, suggestions for decreasing the population's negative environmental impact have gone beyond just switching light bulbs and choosing fuel-efficient vehicles. Experts now recommend that couples limit the number of children they have to two. According to a paper by the Optimum Population Trust, if couples have only two children instead of three, they could cut their family's carbon dioxide output by the equivalent of 620 return flights a year between London and New York. "The effect on the planet of having one child less is an order of magnitude greater than all these other things we might do, such as switching off lights," said John Guillebaud, co-chairman of OPT and emeritus professor of family planning at University College London. "The greatest thing anyone in Britain could do to help the future of the planet would be to have one less child."

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