Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Responding to Pro-Gay Theology

In keeping with the post below here at Christian Research Net this is a link to a very thorough study of one of the pressing issues of our time by Joe Dallas. He is founder of founder of Genesis Counseling Dallas is a “former gay rights activist and staff member of a Metropolitan Community Church, [who] has worked with hundreds of men and women struggling with homosexuality and related problems.”

This article series is also carried at Monergism.com under their article category on the subject of homosexuality here.

New Version of Bible for Gay Community

A recent report from PRWeb provides us with further information on just how blasphemous the “days of Noah” and the “days of Lot” will be before our Lord returns. Tim Fleming offers a new version of the Bible for the Gay Community, “as well as a new book entitled God’s New Law, which describes a prophecy from the year 2000 that forgives homosexuality and fornication. This new book is meant to inaugurate the rebirth of mankind and the acceptance of gay marriage in God’s kingdom.” The web article further states:

Starting with the witnessing of Christ, the author, Tim Fleming, claims that, in the year 2000, God tested one of his begotten and realized the value of forgiving those who are willing to forgive, and He has therefore offered salvation to the homosexual community for the sacrifices they have made through mental anguish.

You can read the entire article here.

Audio: Men Burning For Men

Listen to this debate between Gene Cook Jr. and a gay "Christian" named Rick Bretlinger.
Warning: this debate will make you want to bang your forehead on the wall... especially when Rick says (55:13 sec.) that it is clear in the Bible that men should not have sex with women in such a manner that procreation is impossible but it is OK if a man has sex with a man.

Rich has written a book (not yet in print) entitled "Gay Christian 101, a spiritual self defense for gay Christians". But after listening to his arguments I think he should re-title his book, "The Art of Re-defining Biblical Terms So That One Can Get the Bible to Say Anything He Wants." ‎ Read Post and Comments!

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