Tuesday, June 02, 2009

How Then Should We Choose

Dan Phillips @ http://teampyro.blogspot.com provides a helpful book review and summar of "How Then Should We Choose?", edited by Douglas S. Huffman (Kregel: 2009; 269 pages)

This book is in the series of multi-perspective books were spokesmen for particular views on disputed issues (prophecy, ordinances, doctrines) present their own positions relatively concisely, then interact with each other.

With this volume, Kregel presents a symposium of sorts on the vital issue of the will of God.

In the body of the book, three views are presented.

  • First to sally forth are Henry and Richard Blackaby, presenting the "Specific-Will" view (33-85).
  • Then, the first to evaluate it is Garry Friesen, author of Decision-Making and the Will of God, representing the "Wisdom" view.
  • Then Gordon T. Smith critiques from the "Relational" perspective.
  • Next up is Garry Friesen for the "Wisdom" view (101-159).
Friesen comes to summarize his own view in four principles:

1. "Where God commands, we must obey
2. "Where there is no command, God gives us freedom (and responsibility) to choose
3. "Where there is no command, God gives us wisdom to choose
4. "When we have chosen what is moral and wise, we must trust the sovereign God to work all the details together for good" (103)

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