Thursday, November 23, 2006

Ryan Ferguson Recites Hebrews 9 and 10

By Bob Kauflin @

This video captures one of the highlights of the WorshipGod06 Conference hosted by Sovereign Grace Ministries this past August. Ryan Ferguson shared a memorized dramatic presentation of Hebrews 9 and 10 from the ESV Bible. The power of God's Word came through in a fresh, compelling way. Ryan, a member of North Hills Community Church in Greenville, South Carolina, has actually memorized the entire book of Hebrews. However, we only asked him to share two chapters with us at the conference.

As my family celebrates Thanksgiving tomorrow along with most Americans, we are going to express gratefulness to God for the innumerable blessings we've received from his hand, including food, clothing, shelter, our church, friends, and more. But this video reminds us of the greatest reason we have for giving thanks. God has sent his Son to be the complete and sufficient sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. Anyone who turns from their sins to trust in what Jesus Christ accomplished can now draw near to God through the atoning death of the only Savior. Eternity won't be long enough to express our thanks to God for his mercy and kindness to rebels.

By the way, if you're interested in more info on Ryan, he is the Manager of the Fine Arts Center at Anderson University and also serves as a director in the theater department there. You can contact him at

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