Thursday, February 15, 2007

Guard Your Thoughts Against Calvinism with CALVINIX!

What Arminians wish there was:

Parody byTominthebox @

From Phinney Pharmaceuticals comes an exciting new product to keep those Reformed thoughts out!

CALVINIX is specially formulated to prevent your brain from absorbing Calvinist and Reformed materials no matter how you may encounter them!

Now with CALVINIX you can...

...go head and read John Piper!
...enjoy that book by Spurgeon!
...listen to Alistair Begg without guilt! Ephesians 1 without confusion!
...even attend Westminster Seminary!

And never become a Calvinist!

Better yet, CALVINIX still allows the your brain to process and absorb Arminian theology with ease.

CALVINIX creates an invisible barrier around your brain literally dissolving Calvinist theology as it is picked up by your senses, while at the same time enhancing your understanding of Arminianism.

"I can now read Romans 9 without stress!" - Dr. Bob Jones III

"Finally, Spurgeon without guilt!" - Dr. Jack Schaap

"Amazing product! James White, you'll never convince me now!" - Dave Hunt

Only $9.95 + $1.99 s&h

Tominthebox News Network® is a satirical online blog written by Thomas Slawson. All names of people or places mentioned in stories are fictional, except when a public figure is being satarized. Any other use of real names is accidental and coincidental. Transmission of and linking to articles found at this site is encouraged. The purpose of this blog is to make a point through the use of satire. Soli Deo Gloria!

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