Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Piper on Prosperity Preaching

John Piper on Prosperity Preaching: Deceitful and Deadly.

When I read about prosperity-preaching churches, my response is: “If I were not on the inside of Christianity, I wouldn’t want in.” In other words, if this is the message of Jesus, no thank you.

Luring people to Christ to get rich is both deceitful and deadly. It’s deceitful because when Jesus himself called us, he said things like: “Any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:33). And it’s deadly because the desire to be rich plunges “people into ruin and destruction” (1 Timothy 6:9). So here is my plea to preachers of the gospel...Read the whole article.

Here are his main exhortations:
  1. Don’t develop a philosophy of ministry that makes it harder for people to get into heaven.
  2. Do not develop a philosophy of ministry that kindles suicidal desires in people.
  3. Do not develop a philosophy of ministry that encourages vulnerability to moth and rust.
  4. Don’t develop a philosophy of ministry that makes hard work a means of amassing wealth.
  5. Don’t develop a philosophy of ministry that promotes less faith in the promises of God to be for us what money can’t be.
  6. Don’t develop a philosophy of ministry that contributes to your people being choked to death.
  7. Don’t develop a philosophy of ministry that takes the seasoning out of the salt and puts the light under a basket.

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