Monday, March 30, 2009

Jesus Accused before Pilate, Part 1 (#1 of 3)

We now meet another of the corrupt characters in the unfolding drama of the death of Christ. We add Pilate and we will soon add Herod to the list of Judas, Annas, Caiaphas and the entire Sanhedrin, the Supreme Court of Israel. They are a Mosaic of tragic figures. All of them thought that they had the power or the influence to determine the destiny of Jesus, to render judgment on Jesus. They were wrong and that is the strange irony of this Mosaic. In reality, the destiny of Jesus had been determined by God. Jesus was never the victim of human decisions. He wasnt the victim of a corrupt disciple that betrayed Him. He wasnt the victim of a couple of corrupt High Priests who arraigned Him. He wasnt the victim of the Jewish Supreme Court who condemned Him. Nor was He the victim of Pilate and Herod who ultimately executed Him. He was Gods chosen Lamb, and God had predetermined that He would die.

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