Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A "Habit" of Prayer

Dana Olson, of Prayer First, provides a helpful acronymn and a needed exhortation for us to serve people through prayer. I've taken the liberty of reproducing much of his post below, and encourage you to check out his blog for regular encouragement in this practice.

* * * My point with this post is to remind you of the significant power of simply praying for people. By 'power' I don't mean power in the signs and wonders sense (though neither am I discounting that he is able to do amazing things). I mean it in the sense of the incredible impact and joy when we pray with people in need. This kind of prayer is often neglected: all too often we think of it as a clergyman's duty. Ridiculous! God has given to believers the privilege of coming to his throne of grace. All believers, not just pastors. And when we bring people in need before that throne, there is mercy and grace for their need, and there is delight in the love unleashed in doing so. Praying for folks who are hurting is a very practical means of showing the love of Christ. It is in the very doing a testimony of our faith in Christ and confidence in God's grace and help. Here is a very simple acronym I have often used to train Christians to pray for someone in need. I call it H*A*B*I*T prayer, as in "make it a habit to pray for others around you."

H -- Honor God. Begin with a simple sentence or two of praise and adortation to God for His glory. Thank him for saving you through the cross of Jesus Christ, and giving you the amazing privilege of entering his throne room to pray.

A -- Ask specifically. Bring the person's need to the throne of grace. It is critical that you listen carefully to what the person has said, so that you can pray for them specifically rather than generally. It is disappointing to pour your heart out to someone, then have them pray as if they didn't hear a single word you said.

B -- Bless. Ask God to bless them in ways other than just the specific item prayed earlier. If the person is not a Christian, pray for their spiritual life and awakening to God's grace through Jesus Christ. If you know them well and other aspects of their life, ask God's blessing. "Lord, I ask your blessing on Ted's wife and children as well. Give him wisdom in his business...etc." If you do not know them, simply ask God to pour his blessing into every aspect of life, especially their spiritual life in Jesus Christ.

I -- In Jesus' name. We come to God in prayer only because of Jesus Christ, who gave his life for us, and opened the way for us into the Holy of holies.

T -- Touch as appropriate. If it is appropriate, take the person's hand when you pray for them, or put a hand on their shoulder, whatever seems appropriate to the situation. Take care with this. We should be neither inappropriately "touchy feely" nor cold and "hands off" as if we might catch something.

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