Monday, November 13, 2006

Message for BORAT: I Am Confuse!

By Timothy Merrill @

Bilde The movie, BORAT: Cultural Leanings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan, make boatloads money for two weekends now, so I want see what the fuss is about.

Very nice.


Theese film is offensive on so many levels. We already have such films here in Amerika for 11 year olds and adult morons, called South Park and Beavis and Butthead.

The premise is that Borat, who live in the myth country of Kazakhstan with wife and daughter who is No. 4 prostitute in entire country, is sent to Amerika for film mockumentary about Amerikan cultural habits. His ignorance of Engleesh and Amerikan culture make him big troubles. He tries to learn humor, like "not" jokes (example: This is good movie. [pause] NOT!) He try to learn table manners but no success. Then he see Baywatch magazine and Pam-ella Anderson and fall in love and wants to have the sex wid her, so he and friend travel to California. And so on. BORAT is BORING.

I am confuse.

Why do big film critics rave about this film? Where is the Jewish Anti-defamation League? They make big stink about The Passion of the Christ, but now say nothing? Since Borat is played by Sacha Baron Cohen, himself a Jew, he gets the pass free, or--how you say in Amerika, pass the GO and collect two hundred dollars. The running of the Jews, the Jewess lays an egg, the Jews eat children and shift their shape. And then the offense against feminists, gays, pentecostals, rednecks, and plenty other good Amerikan peoples.

But you say, "Timody, you don't get it. Theese is CARTOON. It shows how stupid theese stereotips are."

I say, "Pleeeeze. Shut up your pie hole. A bad cartoon ees bad cartoon. I am confuse."

So, in one week, Amerikans give Congress back to Democrats after 12 years, and go crazy over this stupeed film. The country ees to Sheol in basket of hands.

(okay, just kidding about Democrats. I am confuse.)

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