Thursday, January 25, 2007

A DVD on Islam

From Gene Edward Veith @

If you are interested in learning about Islam and the threat it poses, you should check out a new DVD, The Great Divide, featuring Dr. Alvin Schmidt. He is the author of a book by that title, with the explanatory subtitle "The Failure of Islam and the Triumph of the West."

He is also the author of a must-read book on the impact of Christianity on Western civilization. The first edition was entitled Under the Influence, but it is out in a new paperback edition with a new title: How Christianity Changed the World.

Anyway, the DVD is a real eye-opener, even for people, like me, who know a little something about the subject. The presentations are broken up into short sections and come with a discussion guide, making it work well for Bible classes or small group studies.

The Cranach Institute produced this DVD, based on a presentation Dr. Schmidt made in Milwaukee a while back. So consider this a commercial.

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