Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Masculinity Problem

From Kevin Michael Cawley @ http://cawley.typepad.com

After having an extended discussion with a friend last week regarding the issue of gender roles and biblical interpretation, I have loved the opportunity to revisit many of the crucial questions regarding manhood & womanhood as well as to read the timely thread on the issue at reformation21 blog.

Below is a quote from Rick Phillips', Understandably Feminist along with links to the current posts in their series.

While I do not believe that patriarchy (biblically defined) is a sin, as Stackhouse claims, I do believe that many women have never experienced biblical patriarchy but only a mockery of it. In other words, however big the feminist problem is in America and in the church, I believe there is a masculinity problem that is just as big, if not bigger. Given the attitude of many men towards their wives and daughters, and given the actual behavior of many men (in and out of the church), it is no wonder that women fear male authority structures.

Ref21, Books & Culture, and the Feminist Slippery Slope
Familiarly Feminist
Understandably Feminist
The Sin of Manstealing
Servants and Slaves
Is Patriarchy the Best Term?
On Patriarchy

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