Monday, December 11, 2006

Missionary Moments: Muslims Coming to Christ

During a recent ministry trip overseas I was presented with some astounding statistics on Muslims coming to Christ. As the sources are involved in restricted access areas, they do not want their names mentioned as sources, neither can I personally confirm the accuracy of these reports. However, for your interest and information: I’ve been informed that there are now over 50,000 believers in Afghanistan. Before the war there were less than 100 Christians in the country. Today there are more than 400 Christian missionaries in Afghanistan, operating in each of the 34 provinces, for the first time in Afghan history. One of the missions involved in Afghanistan claims that there are today over 50,000 Afghan Christians.

Another mission involved in Iraq claims that, in the year before the war in 2003 there were only 3,000 known evangelical Christians in Iraq, and only six evangelical churches. Today there are more than 25,000 Iraqi believers in 25 churches in Baghdad alone. And hundreds of new churches in other areas of Iraq.

According to Christian author, Dr. Jim Murk (author of Islam Rising – The Never-ending Jihad against Christianity) estimates that 20,000 Muslims convert to Christianity each year in America.

According to Muslim sources, over 6 million Muslims convert from Islam to Christianity each year! This seems to be an incredibly high figure, but perhaps these sources are counting all those lost to Islam as converts to Christianity. It is possible that many are leaving Islam without coming to faith in Christ.

However, there is no doubt that tens of thousands of Muslims are coming to faith in Christ in Nigeria, Sudan, Indonesia, and other parts of the Muslim world.

Does your church have a programme for reaching Muslims for Christ? Are your members well informed on the teachings of Islam and the culture of Muslims? Are they effectively trained in evangelism and prepared for cross-cultural witnessing? If Muslims come to Christ in your area, would your church be able to welcome them into the congregation, and effectively disciple them?

Frontline Fellowship has been revising and refining our Muslim Evangelism Workshop over the last 24 years. We have resources that can assist your church in effectively witnessing to and evangelising Muslims, and discipling converts from a Muslim background.

Frontline Fellowship’s book: “Slavery, Terrorism and Islam – The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat” (128 pages with 110 pictures and maps), includes the Muslim Evangelism Workshop Manual and many helpful and practical chapters and appendixes to enable your to understand Islam and evangelise Muslims effectively.

Frontline Fellowship also has a number of audio CD lectures from the Muslim Evangelism Workshop including: The Challenge of Islam; Comparing the Bible with the Quran; Challenging Muslims; Guidelines for Muslim Evangelism; The Scourge of Slavery; Uprooting Terrorism; Islam According to the Reformers; Reformation or Islamisation; etc.

Three of the best films produced on Sudan are now available on one DVD (Sudan: The Hidden Holocaust; Terrorism and Persecution – Understanding Islamic Jihad; and Three Days in Sudan).

You will also find useful articles and links on Islam on

Pray for Africa Poster

Download Pray for Africa poster here.

The desert tribes will bow before Him and His enemies will lick the dust…all kings will bow down to Him and all nations will serve Him.” Psalm 72:9-11

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