Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Is “Reculturing” the Solution to Dead Youth Ministry?

By Ingrid Schlueter @

We have a generation of ministry workers who come out of college or seminary with a fist-full of how-to books. Unfortunately, despite the countless manuals/seminars/workshops on how to reach the next generation, they remain largely unreached. Leaders are now saying they aren’t seeing life transformation among the teens in their youth groups. According to this Christian Post article, there is a growing discontent with youth ministry as a whole. Now there’s something new called, “reculturing”, as the article reports. Like every other catchphrase and scheme of the past, this too will fall into the dustbin of failed approaches. Not one of these people seems to have any confidence at all in the power of the Holy Spirit, working through the preaching and teaching of the Word of God, to change the lives of kids. That is why youth ministry will largely remain geared toward the manipulation of man-made schemes to try to effect transformation. The Gospel alone is the power of God unto salvation. Until youth ministers pull the plug on the glittering disco ball in the ceiling, shut down the smoke machines, tell the dancing girls to sit down, and take out the changeless Word of God, this failure will only continue.

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