Saturday, January 13, 2007

Who Is Henri Nouwen?

From Christian Research Net @

Contemplative mysticism began invading the Christian community with the apostate “fourth- and fifth-century Egyptian Desert Fathers and Mothers” who originally became involved in this exact same compromise with religions of the East we see in increasing sections of evangelicalism today. But shouldn’t a red warning flag be raised as we note the word Egyptian in association with these people?

The above quote about these desert fathers and mothers by the way is taken from the back cover of a book by Henri Nouwen (1932-1996) called The Way Of The Heart, which is one of Nouwen’s most oft-quoted books. And on this back cover we begin to see what we will be getting inside as we’re told: “Henri J. Nouwen, a priest born and educated in the Netherlands.” So in this piece I take a look at the important questions who is Henri Nouwen…and why are evangelicals listening to him?

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