Thursday, September 14, 2006

Rosie O'Donnell Outrage

By James R. White

You may have already heard it, but Rosie O'Donnell today said on "The View" that "radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam." Thankfully, the other women on the program were easily able to point out that her views are simply looney, which is the advantage of having a program where interaction can take place (ask Barry Lynn about the disadvantages of actually having to answer questions from someone other than a soft-ball leftist reporter). Here is the video of O'Donnell's idiotic comments. Might I just point out that O'Donnell could never get away with her behavior in Saudi Arabia or Iran, which in and of itself proves she is a hypocrite?

Scott Whitlock Said:

Rosie O’Donnell, the new host of "The View," restrained herself for exactly one week before letting fly with her extreme liberalism. On the September 12 edition, in response to fellow co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s comment that militant Islam is a grave threat, O’Donnell stated that "radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America." The comedienne also attacked America’s response to 9/11:

O’Donnell: "We were attacked not by a nation. And as a result of the attack and the killing of nearly 3,000 innocent people we invaded two countries and killed innocent people in their countries."

Video clip (44seconds): Real (1.19 MB at 225 kbps) or Windows Media (1.37 MB at 256 kbps), plus MP3 audio (198 KB)

The segment, which aired at 11:16AM EDT, saw Ms. O’Donnell open up and, for the first time as a ‘View’ host, express her true outlook. The piece began with Rosie inquiring as to whether anyone watched President Bush’s address to the nation. She then read from the speech:

O’Donnell: "He had one sentence that I thought struck me. I thought, what did everyone think? ‘The safety of America depends on the outcome of the battle in the streets of Baghdad.’ And I would say the outcome, really, of America really depends on the battle in the streets of New Orleans, that that city is still decimated and $303 billion have been spent fighting this war. If, literally, a third of that money was put into Katrina and facilitated with honest people who knew how to do it, we wouldn't be in the situation we're in."

O’Donnell may be unaware of this, but $110 billion has been designated for the Gulf Coast clean-up. My math could be wrong, but I believe that’s at least a third. Co-host Joy Behar, a fellow liberal, chimed in with this question:

Behar: "Don’t you think it’s clear at this point that they don’t care about New Orleans? If they cared about it, they would have fixed it already."

The fact that she believes New Orleans should be completely "fixed" in a year is besides the point. ‘The View,’ a program that is supposed to represent the perspectives of women, is now almost completely in the control of Move-On-type liberals. Elisabeth Hasselbeck, the show’s token Republican, meekly submitted to the liberal onslaught. She replied simply, "They should give more."

O’Donnell saved her harshest comments for the war on terror. After Hasselbeck had the temerity to mention the threat of extreme Islam, Rosie responded with her slap at Christianity:

O’Donnell: "And just one second, radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America."

This proved too much for even Behar. She replied, in a somewhat bewildered manner:

Behar: "But, but Christians are not threatening to kill us. There’s that difference. This group is threatening to kill us."

Hasselbeck also appeared surprised by O’Donnell’s comment. She maintained, "We are not bombing ourselves here in the country." The comedienne had a clever retort for this:

O’Donnell: "No, but we are bombing innocent people in other countries. True or false?"

There are two points to be made here. First, apparently Rosie believes that the federal government is a branch of "radical Christianity." Secondly, has she never heard of World War II and the innocent civilians that unfortunately died in the struggle against Nazism? Was that war wrong? Showing a loose grasp on international politics, O’Donnell stated that "Iraq and Afghanistan never threatened to kill us. Ever." Again, perhaps Ms. O’Donnell is unaware of exactly where the Taliban trained and plotted. Finally, on the subject of terrorism, no Rosie segment would be complete with out left-wing, bumper sticker rants. She informed her audience of these grand pronouncements:

O’Donnell: "We will never bring peace at the hands of war....As a species we have to rise above it."

O’Donnell: "But in life, you have two choices always, faith or fear. A government should lead by faith, never by fear."

O’Donnell quickly added that, when she said faith, she didn’t mean Christianity, but faith in "humanity" and "equality." It appears as though the honeymoon is over. Viewers should expect more hard-left, blame- America comments from Rosie O’Donnell, "The Queen of Nice."

Update 18:07 by Matthew Sheffield. "I love how she acts like Elisabeth Hasselbeck is the dumb one, when
she's spouting this crap: 'Afghanistan never threatened to kill us...We
will never bring peace at the hands of war.'" Mary Katherine Ham adds.


So, Rosie O'Donnell told The View that "radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America." She is screaming what so many on the atheistic left have been thinking or whispering for some time now.

According to her and most other leftist, we have the makings of a Christian theocracy here in the United States through the presidency of George W. Bush. "The theocrats are running the country" claim countless left-wing blog posts. If the Religious Right is in control and are just as evil as radical Islam, how can Rosie say what she said without being killed? How can Rosie be who she is without being killed?

What does Rosie think of a national leader, while speaking to students at Harvard, claiming that it is "debatable" as to whether homosexuals should be put to death for their sexual orientation. I'm sure she would scream at the top of her lungs about how the evil Christians have forced their morality on this nation. Seperation of church and state has been violated by this speech even being allowed.

Don't expect Rosie to mention it on The View tomorrow because it was said by Mohammad Khatami, the former "reformist" Iranian president, in a speech entitled "Ethics of Tolerance in the Age of Violence (that has to be the most Orwellian title ever).

He downplayed the death penalty for being gay by saying the conditions for execution are so strict that they are "virtually impossible to meet." Seems the impossible happens fairly frequently in Iran. Just last year two teenage boys were publicly hanged for homosexuality, after they were held in prison for 14 months and lashed 228 times.

I wait on "conservatives" like Andrew Sullivan and liberals like Rosie O'Donnell to attack these comments with at least as much fervor as they do at allegations of torture from terrorists detainees or citizens supporting the state marriage amendments.

Does Rosie mind these since they are not the cause of evil Christians and don't really affect American millionaires like her? Love songs on the radio are outlawed. Cats and dogs as pets are outlawed. Christians drinking water from a public well is outlawed. Building churches other than Muslims ones is outlawed. European nations are catching the Sharia law fever.

But don't worry about that Muslim man hold the box cutter on tha airplane. No, be careful to do something to stop that Christian holding the voting ballot.

Scott Whitlock over at has exposed the latest looniness from that insightful social commentator, Rosie O'Donnell. As a new host on the ABC sitcom, I mean, talk show, called
"The View," she explained her concerns about Christianity very clearly in the September 12 episode.

When co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck's stated that radical Islam is behind the 9/11 attacks on our nation, Donnell responded that "radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America." You can watch the clip of it for yourself here.

This kind of thinking is characteristic of the political and theological left, whose ideology inhibits them from recognizing obvious and vital distinctions the way of Jesus Christ and the way of Mohammed. The prophet taught his followers to kill in order to advance his cause. The Lord Jesus teaches His followers to die to advance His.

One reason that such mischaracterizations as O'Donnell's are loudly applauded in our day (as her comments were by the studio audience) is because we have so few examples of radical Christianity in the West and particularly in America. American Christianity is far more American than Christian (read the latest TIME cover story, "Does God Want You to Be Rich?" if you want a clear example of this; note: the story has a great quote from the IMonk, Michael Spencer).

If more of us who name the Name of Christ were radically committed to Him and His way, our lives and churches would provide such a radical contrast to radical Islam that any attempt to equate the two would be immeidately recognized as absurd. Yes, there are some examples of such Christianity among us--but they are few and far between.

My wife and I once witnessed to an agnostic whose parents raised him to be a "free thinker." When I asked him what he understood about Christianity his response showed that he viewed Christians in exclusively political terms. He associated us with hard right Republicans. I am not suggesting that he was right to do so, but I do think that too often we make it too easy for such judgments to be made. Conservative Christian organizations (and even some churches) often look more like political action committees than the joyful cross-bearing, daily-dying, enemy-loving disciples that our Master calls us to be.

If Rosie O'Donnell really cared about America and really understood biblical Christianity, she would long for a revival of the radical version of the latter for the welfare of the former. If God in His grace does grant a "revival of true religion"--meaning a revival of radical, biblical Christianity--the difference between the way of Jesus Christ and Islam, as well as the way of Christ and all forms of civic and cultural Christianity, would become astoundingly apparent.

May our Lord quickly raise up a generation of radical Christians.

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