Monday, March 05, 2007

8 Signs You're "Growing Up" Spiritually

Things that live, must grow. If a baby doesn't grow we take it to the doctor to see what's wrong with it. If a farmer plants seeds that don't grow they are fertilized to stimulate growth because you must grow to live. How about spiritually? The Bible says you are supposed to be growing up spiritually too.

  • 1 Peter 2:1-3 ... tells us that we are supposed to "grow up'' in our salvation.
  • Hebrews 5:11-14 ... tells us that as we grow we'll begin to eat meat not just spiritual milk.
Simply put, if we're not growing spiritually, something is wrong. So what evidence is there in your life that you are growing up spiritually?

1. A Growing Christian has a hunger for God in their heart and life. It's the same desire I had when I met my wife. I wanted to know all about her. Her likes and her dislikes. I had a hunger to get to know her. Same is true in a growing relationship with God. You want to know more about Him. His likes and dislikes. You literally hunger to know Him.

2. A Growing Christian has an increasing desire to know God's Word. You want to read God's word, study God's word and memorize God's word. You look forward to meeting God in the mornings or evenings for your ''quiet time'' because it's through His word you find out more about Him.

3. A Growing Christian has a greater sensitivity to sin in their life. Sin bothers you because you hate anything that hurts your God. Like the Corinth church, you're willing to do whatever necessary to correct the problem (2 Corinthians 7:10-14).

4. A Growing Christian has a decreasing desire for the world's system. You want to be different from the world, not conformed to the world (Romans 12:1-2).

5. A Growing Christian's sphere of love is continually increasing. You find it easier and easier to love those different than yourself. It doesn't matter what their skin color, belief system or likes and dislikes. You find it easier to love more and more people.

6. A Growing Christian finds it easier and easier to forgive others. You realize you've been forgiven, and you didn't deserve it so you're willing to forgive others too. No more petty score cards of who hurt you. Instead it's ''who else can I forgive.''

7. A Growing Christian has a concern for the spiritual condition of others. You're not content with merely saving yourself. Instead you want to take everyone with you to heaven too. Others' spiritual growth becomes your concern too.

8. A Growing Christian wants to be constantly growing. Every time one of our boys has a birthday they get to mark on their "birthday boards" how tall they are. All year long leading up to their birthday, they are comparing last year's height with how tall they are now. Many times I've been roused out of a nice nap in the recliner for the purpose of "look how much I've grown, Dad." They are so excited about growth. Wouldn't it be nice if we had that kind of excitement about the growth of our spiritual lives?

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