Monday, March 05, 2007

Anchor Man


Last Monday we began a list of specific ways fathers can instruct their children. These come from Steve Farrar’s excellent book Anchor Man. To see the first twenty five suggestions, click here.


26. Coach your son to tie a tie and polish his shoes - before he’s thirty.
27. Coach them that when you say no you mean no.
28. Coach them that it’s pretty great to kiss your wife.
29. Coach them that their very best friend ever will always be Jesus.
30. Coach them to call home if they’l be late - and to keep the battery charged on the cell phone.
31. Coach them to stand to alone.
32. Coach them that they aren’t followers - they are leaders.
33. Coach them that its better to be respected than popular.
34. Coach them that motherhood is the most important job in the world and definitely more important than a career.
35. Coach them that it’s a father’s job to provide for his family.
36. Coach them that God wants men to lead in the home and in the church.
37. Coach them to never give personal information to someone they don’t know on the phone.
38. Coach them that even if they do not make it to the NBA, they are going to have to do something else for the next forty years.
39. Coach them that good daddies hug and kiss but they also spank, and they make sure to hug and kiss after they spank.
40. Coach them to know what to look for in a husband.
41. Coach them to know what to look for in a wife.
42. Coach your daughter that both God and you think she is very, very, valuable - and she won’t act cheap.
43. Coach your son to keep his hands off his date.
44. Coach them how to handle a checking account by letting them have one when they are in high school.
45. Coach them to love people and use things - instead of the other way around.
46. Coach them to measure twice - and saw once.
47. Coach them that Daddy will never leave Mommy.
48. Coach them that the narrow way is always the best way.
49. Coach them that there is nothing they could ever do that would make you stop loving them.
50. Coach them that there is nothing they could ever do that would make God stop loving them.

That ought to keep you busy for a while.

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