Monday, September 17, 2007

Family Worship at Home


Anita at A Latte and Blueberry Muffin writes about how to worship at home:

I understand that many churches have what they call a “worship leader” and although this is only a socially acceptable term that describes a person who leads the singing at church and directs the congregation to set their hearts on the Lord, I truly believe that as Christ followers, ALL of us are called to point others to the Lord! I believe that makes all of us worship leaders!

As Christian parents it is so important for us to daily point our children to come to the feet of the Lord and give Him praise and worship daily. How can we do that? Here are some ideas…

She goes on to discuss six ways to encourage worship at home. In summary:

  1. Play worshipful music in your home.
  2. Read Scripture daily.
  3. Pray daily together as a family.
  4. Memorize Scripture.
  5. Encourage time alone with the Lord.
  6. Have Family Worship together daily.

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